Department of World Languages Subject-Cycle Association
The Department of World Languages Subject-Cycle Association was established in 2007 as the Foreign Language Sector by the decision of...
The Department of World Languages Subject-Cycle Association was established in 2007 as the Foreign Language Sector by the decision of...
Head of the Department, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Amatov Ysabek Kozanovich Address: 723503, Kyrgyzstan, Osh city, Isanov Street...
Brief history To implement the AVN information system, distance, and innovative educational technologies in the educational process, according to the...
History of ITaCMD In 2007 service center was opened at the Osh Technological University, and it was created for the...
Brief history of the department On November 7, 1971, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic...
The department was founded in 2005 by order of the rector of the Osh Technological University named after academician M.M....
Vocational Training Technology (VТT) In August 1989, by order of the Minister of Public Education of the Kyrgyz SSR, the...
The Department of Economics was separated from the Faculty of Economics and Management of the College of Humanities and Technology...
The History of the Department The "Department of Power Stations, Networks, and Energy Machine Engineering" was established at OshTU based...
On March 6, 1990, by the order of the rector of FPI, the Department of Electronics and Computing Technology was...
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