The History of the Department
The “Department of Power Stations, Networks, and Energy Machine Engineering” was established at OshTU based on the order №. 09-04/404 by the Rector of OshTU dated July 2, 2024. It was formed from the “Department of Power Stations, Systems and Networks” and the “Department of Physics and Power mechanical engineering”
The history of the “Department of Power Stations, Systems and Networks” dates back to 1991, when the “Department of Electrification and Automation of Agriculture” was established. In 1996, it was renamed to “Electrification and Automation,” and in 1998, it became “Electrical Engineering.” Since 2022, it has been known by its current name.
The history of the “Department of Physics and Energy Machine Engineering” began in 1974, when it was formed as a physics-mathematics sector within the general technical faculty of Frunze Polytechnic Institute in Osh. In 1994, it became the “Department of Physics,” and based on order No. 09-04/150 dated May 28, 2019, it was renamed to “Department of Physics and Energy Machine Engineering.”
Currently, the department has 21 staff members, including:
- 1 Doctor of Science,
- 8 Candidates of Science – Associate Professors,
- 3 Masters,
- 4 support staff.
The Department of “Electrical Power Plants, Systems, Networks, and Energy Engineering” graduates bachelor’s degree students in the field of
640200 “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering,” with the following specializations:
- “Electrical Power Systems and Networks”
- “Electrical Power Plants”
- “Relay Protection and Automation of Power Systems”
In the field of “Mechanical Engineering” 650300, the specializations are:
- “Production Engineering”
- “Technology and Management in Mechanical Engineering”
The department graduates master’s degree students in the field of 640200 “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering” with a specialization in “Electrical Power Systems and Networks.”
Graduates of these specializations work at major energy enterprises, electrical power plants, and substations, as well as at machine engineering factories, various manufacturing companies, and organizations engaged in the repair of engineering products. They hold positions as engineers, designers, process engineers, installation and testing engineers, and may also work as software engineers in transportation, energy, and mining companies (small and medium-sized businesses).
The strategic goal of the Department of “Electrical Power Plants, Systems, Networks, and Energy Engineering” is to provide high-quality education and training for highly qualified bachelor’s and master’s degree students in the fields of “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering” and “Mechanical Engineering.” The department aims to develop specialists who can effectively solve complex technical problems, implement innovations, and make a significant contribution to the development of the energy sector and the mechanical engineering industry. Furthermore, through the teaching of a general physics course, the department provides fundamental scientific training for students, fostering their comprehensive development and readiness to meet the professional challenges of today.
To ensure the employment of graduates, internships, practical training, and high-quality practical and laboratory sessions, the department has signed agreements with the following companies:
- Scientific and Production Center “Nanotechnology” in the Federal Republic of Germany;
- Machine Engineering Plant “Kyrgyz UnaaKurulush”
- Osh Interdistrict Production Association “Teplosnabzhenie”
- Osh PES
- JSC “Electric Power Stations” TPP in Osh
- Municipal Enterprise “Oshsvet”
To facilitate academic mobility for faculty and students and to conduct joint scientific research, the following educational institutions have signed agreements:
- Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanova;
- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov;
- F. Kuzbass State Technical University named after Gorbachev;
- I. Polzunov Altai State Technical University;
- Novosibirsk State Technical University;
- Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent;
- Andijan Machine Engineering Institute.
- The department is conducting the following research projects:
- Research on the issues of using renewable energy sources in agriculture;
- Issues related to the creation of composite materials;
The department has repeatedly hosted scientific and practical conferences and symposia at both national and international levels. Methodological and scientific seminars are organized at the department, where scientific and methodological materials are discussed.
The department annually implements research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. Additionally, the “Energy Engineering” club operates at the department, where student-made device prototypes are at the forefront of various national-level competitions.
The staff of the department:
Full Name: Satybaldiev Abdimitalip Baatyrbekovich
Specialization: General Technical Disciplines and Labor
Position: Head of the Department, Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Simulation in the Engineering Software Package “Comsol Multiphysics,” Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy Sources, Design of Power Lines, Electric Power Plants and Equipment.
Work Phone: (03222) 4-35-95
Mobile: (0772) 45-36-86
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- String theory of everything: revivewresearc. SatybaldyevA.B., BerdibekovaS.K., AttokurovA.K., IgamberdievaZh. A. String theory of everything: revivew research// Scopus: Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series “Physics. Vol 54 2023y.
- Study of a discharging of a mobile collector-accumulator. IsmanzhanovA.,SatybaldyevA.B.Applied solar energy. 1999 г. т. 35. № 1. с. 49-52.
- Estimating the economic efficiency of solar units in mountain conditions. IsmanzhanovA.I.,Satybaldyev A.B.,DilishatovO.U.Applied solar energy. Т. 41. № 3. 36-38 pp.
- Simulation of the optimal distance between pipes in a solar water heating collector.SatybaldyevA.B., MatisakovT.K., AttokurovA.K. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research.2015г. № 6-3. С. 413-416.
- Comparative analysis of some types of renewable energy sources / AbdykadyrAbidov, TalantRyspaev, SatybaldyevA.B and GorbachevaAdelya // Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT 2019/10/06, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp.15-20.
- Ismanzhanov A., Satybaldyev A.B. and Solar Air Heater. Patent. №4931 UzR. 6F 24J 2/46 Bulletin pict. 1997, №1.
- Satybaldyev A.B., Attokurov A.K.Water wheel // Kyrgyzpatent, №352, 2023 ж.( Official bulletin,№3 (300) Biskek-2023)
- Ismanzhanov A., Satybaldyev A.B., Matisakov T.Solar water heating Collector. F24J 2/46 (2013.01).
- Satybaldyev A.B., Cherikov S.T. Combined solar and wind power plant.Patent for an invention (pending).Kyrgyzpatent№2202 – 2020 y.
- Bokoev K.A., Satybaldyev A.B., Nuranov Sh. The physics of recording signals and the basics of acoustics.Osh, OshTU, 2009y.
- Satybaldyev A.B., Gorbacheva A.A., Berdibekova S.K. Virtual laboratory works on mechanics, molecular physics and electrodynamics.Osh, OshTU, 2013y.
Full Name: Murzakulov Nurkul Abdialazizovich
Specialization: Hydroelectric Power Stations
Position: Director of the Institute of Energy and Transport, Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: “Non-traditional renewable energy sources”, “Hydropower installations”,
Mobile Phone: 0(777) 42 38 83
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Murzakulov N.A. Investigation of heat transfer in the interlayer space of multilayer greenhouses- Tashkent Solar Engineering, АН РУ3.,2012. -Nº 2, -P. 63-65,
- Investigation of the transparency of greenhouse coatings in the photosynthetically active region of the solar spectrum. Murzakulov N.A.- Bishkek: Izvestia, National Academy of Sciences -Nº 4. -P. 58-61.
- Investigation of the effect of multilayer greenhouse coatings on plant vegetationН.А. A. – News of universities.-2013. – Nº 5.- P. 289-292.
- Investigation of the effect of multilayer transparent greenhouse coatings on the vegetation and yield of tomatoes and cucumbersMurzakulovN.A. – Bishkek: IzvestiaKTU, 2013. – № – P 297-302.
- On the prospects of using solar panels in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan.MurzakulovN.A.-Bishkek:Collection of scientific papers, Institute of Mechanical Engineering,2004 -№4. -P. 298-301.
- The solar greenhouse. Murzakulov N.A. – Bishkek: Patent КR Nº 1468 А 01 G9/14, A01 G 13/02, Bulletin pict.2012.- Nº 8.
- Murzakulov N.A. «Solving the problem of designing solar greenhouses based on object-oriented modeling» Monograph Novosibirsk. – 2020.
- Murzakulov N.A. “Energy-efficient solar panels ” Osh s. Printing House of OshTU– 2018y.
Full Name: Abdaliev Urmat Kalmatovich
Specialization: Physics
Position: Director of the Industrial Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Automated Control Systems for Technological Processes, CNC Programming
Phone: 0 (550) 604 761
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Abdaliev U.K., Solar cavitation water heating plant for heating buildings and structures 3rd International Scientific Conference. Physics and physical education: achievements and development prospects.Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Amanbek Zhainakovich Zhainakov – KR, Bishkek, August 19-25, 2011.–P.90
- Abdaliev U.K., Akmatov B.,Tashpolotov Y., Sadykov E. Disinfection of wastewater using an electric field and the effect of cavitation.International Conference “Science in the era of imbalances” (Kiev / April 30, 2014)3 Part P. 13-19
- Abdaliev U.K. Esmanov E.M. D. Tashpolova., Erkinova K.E., Bozorov H.N., Ibraeva J.A. International scientific and practical conference “Problems of rational use of natural resources and modern technologies of coal processing”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.S. Dzhamanbayev OSH, November 30-December 01, 2023.ka of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. Bishkek. 2023.- S. No.8.1-196-202 .
- Abdaliev U.K., Bozorov H.N., Buchelnikov V.D. Abdullayeva G.U. International Forum “Physics-2022” Uzbekistan, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 4-5 october 2022 y. –P.135
- Abdaliev U.K., Tashpolotov Y., Yslamidinov A., Thermodynamic principles of heat generation using a water-bubble mixture based on hydrodynamic cavitation. SCIENCE NEWS OF KAZAKHSTAN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL JOURNAL- Almaty, 2014 –.№2(120) – PP. 171-180
- Abdaliev U.K., Tashpolotov Y. Creation of a solar cavitation device based on the use of sunlight and the effect of cavitation. Certificate №2240 KYRGYZPATENT12.2013.
- Abdaliev U.K., Usmanov E.M., Tashpolotov Y. Deposition of arsenic and iron from industrial waste (matte and slag) Kadamzhai antimony plant by chemical method. Certificate №. 3200 KYRGYZPATENT 18.09.2017.
- Abdaliev U.K., AsanovR.E., Satybaldyev A.B. Creation of a highly efficient Universal burner for composite fuels. Certificate №4479 KYRGYZPATENT09.2021.
Educational and Methodological Manuals:
- Abdaliev U.K., Sadykov E., Arziev J. Information and practical advice necessary for writing a dissertation. Educational and methodical manual. Osh State University, Editorial and Publishing Department ”Bilim ” – Osh, 2019. – 48 p.
- Abdaliev U.K. Laboratory work on mechanics. Methodical laboratory. application. Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University, 2021.- 70 p.
- Abdaliev U.K., Kylychova N.E. Internship program. Methodical manual for students of the 650300 direction ” mechanical engineering ” of OSH State University. – Osh, 2024. -62 P.
Full Name: Zhanibekov Maksatbek Zhanibekovich
Specialization: Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Position: Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Technology in Mechanical Engineering.
Mobile Phone: 0(553) 81 39 41, 0(779) 74 20 02
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Zhanibekov M.Zh. ”Formation and stability of paramagnetic centers in KBr: CrO , Ca crystals” Status solidi, (B), K205-K208, 1984y.
- Zhanibekov M.Zh. ”Infrared absorption spectra of potassium chloride crystals with an admixture of chromate and europium ions” “Science and New Technologies ”, 4/2004, pp.27-30.
- Zhanibekov M.Zh. Formation of paramagnetic centers of a new type in crystalsKBr:CrO , Ba ”, “News of universities” Kyrgyz Republic, 2004, №.2,p.129-131.
- Zhanibekov M.Zh. ”Radiation-stimulated cents in potassium iodide crystals with chromium ions and metallic impurities” XI Issyk-Kul International School-Conference “Radiation Solid State Physics”2017y.
Full Name: Ryspaev Talant Akimzhanovich
Specialization:Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Position: Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Professor
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Technology in Mechanical Engineering, and Design and Engineering (ОиР).
Phone: 0771 54 64 02
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Ryspaev, M. Janeček, R. Král and Lothar Wagner: Processing, Superplastic Properties and Friction Stir Welding of Fine-Grained AZ31, AZ91, AE42 and QE22 Magnesium Alloys.// Materials Science Forum 838-839:220-224. January 2016
- Ryspaev et all: Grain Renement after Various Thermo-Mechanical Treatments in AZ80 and ZK60 Magnesium Alloys.// ActaPhysicaPolonica Series a 122(3). September 2012.
- Ryspaev, T.Kunashov: A TEXTBOOK of the QUR’AN PART II The True Cosmology: the Metagalaxy, the Multiverse, the Metaverse, and the Fundamental Universe. October 2023.
- Ryspaev, T.Kunashov: Две категории тафсира. October 2023
5. T. Ryspaev, T.Kunashov: 342 Millions of Years have passed from Adam until Nuh. January 2024.
- Ryspaev, V. K. Portnoj, Novikov I.I., “Superpastic sheet from an aluminum alloy”. Certificate of autorshipUdSSRNr.: 1520888 (Moskau, 1987). СССР
- Ryspaev, U. Draugelates, A. Schram, C.-C. Kedenburg: “Method for providing magnesium alloys with superplastic properties”, United States Patent No. 20030140992, Kind Code A1, 2003 Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) International Application No.: PCT/DE2001/000256 International Filing Date: 23. 01.2001. Germany.
- Ryspaev“Dark Time is Time, and Dark Energy is Space ”. Certificate№47892. Kyrgyzpatent. Kyrgyzstan.24.06.2022y.
Full Name: Bokojev Kutman Amirbaevich
Specialization: Physics
Position: Head of the Digital Innovation Department, Associate Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Phone: 0 (558) 30 17 77
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Bokoev K.A., Kurbanaliev A.Y., Turganbayeva A.B., Berdibekova K.T. Simulation of turbulent flow over the hill. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
- Bokoev K.A., Tashiev N.Technical and economic indicators of obtaining powders of agricultural products using solar energy.БНП Т.8 №5
- Bokoev K.A. Simulation of turbulent flow around a hill. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.2021y.
- Bokoyev K.A., Zhiyanbekov A.Zh. “ Univer+” a set of programs. Certification №785. 11.01.2023.
Full Name: Akmatov Baatyr Zhoroevich
Specialization: Physics
Position: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering (MOE) and Thermal Power Plants (TEU)
Phone: (0505) 72 88 60
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- The dependence of the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heating installation “electro physical ionization” on the initlal temperature of the coolant. Akmatov, B.Zh., Aldasheva, N.T., Childebaev, B.S., Kuluev, J.O., Elchieva, M.S.Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2021, 19(4), 942–947 pp.
- The indicator of thermal energy production in the electrophysical ionization device (EFI)-EFI electric heater//Akmatov B. J./ Scientific journal “Innovations in science”, Novosibirsk, Publishing house of ANS “SibAK”, 2017. №5(66), – Pp. 65-6803.17.
- Determination of the additional energy received in the EFI heat generator //Akmatov B. Zh., KuluyevZh. O./ Journal “Electrical equipment: operation and repair”, Moscow 2017. № 11, pp. 24-27
- Patent №1683, Kyrgyz Republic, Akmatov B.J. D. Tashpolova. A device for purifying drinking water based on the method of electrophysical ionization// Kyrgyzpatent. – No.20130082.1; statement dated 09/05/2013; published on 30.09.2014.
- Patent №. 1854, Kyrgyz Republic, Akmatov B.J., D. Tashpolova. A device for determining chemical elements in the composition of substances based on electrophysical ionization// Kyrgyzpatent. – No.20150052.1; statement dated 04/27/2015; published on 30.04.2016, Issue № 4.
- Patent 1824, Kyrgyz Republic, МПК7 24H 1/20. A device that efficiently generates thermal energy from a liquid based on electrophysical ionization B.J. Akmatov, N. Tashpolov; -№20150051.1; 2016, Bull. №2 (part F, 24H 1/20).
- To the utility model Patent № 361, Kyrgyz Republic, Akmatov B.Zh., ZhoroevB.B. Heat generator” EFI” // -№20220016.2; 30.11.2023.
Full Name: Elchieva Malika Saitalievna
Specialization: Electrification and Automation of Agriculture
Position: Associate Professor
Academic Degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Courses Taught: Electromechanics, Economics, Organization and Management of Production
Phone: 0(772) 398356
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- «Features of reducing power losses by compensating reactive power» Elchieva M.S., Karybekova B.K. RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000058 (
- «Improving the quality of electricity through regulation in electrical networks» Elchieva M.S., Namangan city, Uzbekistan, journalInternational Scientific Journal «Research Focus», RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000059 (
- «Features of choosing the wire cross section according to the economic current density» Elchieva M.S., Namangan city, Uzbekistan , magazineInternational Scientific Journal «Research Focus»
- «Energy efficiency and energy conservation as factors of economic development» Elchieva M.S.Namangan city, Uzbekistan, magazine International Scientific Journal «Research Focus», RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000061 ( 10645877)
- «Increasing the line capacity by the method of combined effects on wave resistance and wave length» к.э.н., доцентЭлчиеваМ.С., Узбекистан городНаманган , International Scientific Journal «Research Focus», ESEARCHFOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | GoogleScholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) ( 10645900
Educational and Methodological Manuals:
- Methodological guidelines for conducting practical classes on the course “transmission and distribution of electricity” for undergraduate students in the direction 640200 “Electric Power Engineering and electrical engineering” Compiled by: Karybekova B. Elchieva M. 65 p. Printing house of OshTU 2022.
- Textbook on the course “electromechanics” for undergraduate students in the direction 640200 “Electric power engineering and electrical engineering”. Compiled by: Elchieva M., Karybekova B., Andaeva Z., 98 p. Printing house of OshTU 2024.
Full Name: Karybekova Bermet Kenzhekulovna
Specialization: Power Supply
Position: Associate Professor at OshTU
Academic Degree: Master
Academic Title: Associate Professor at OshTU
Courses Taught: Power Systems and Networks (ЭСиС), Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (ЭЭ), Diagnostics of Electrical Equipment in Power Systems (ДЭП СВН)
Phone: 0(777) 34 05 09
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- «Features of reducing electricity losses by compensating reactive power” Elchieva M.S., KarybekovaB.К., RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000058 (
- «Improving the quality of electricity through regulation in electric networks” Elchieva M.S., Karybekova B.K., Namangan city, Uzbekistan , International Scientific Journal «Research Focus», RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000059 (
- «Features of the choice of wire cross-section according to the economic current density” Elchieva M.S., Karybekova B.K., Namangan city, Uzbekistan, International Scientific Journal «Research Focus»
- «Energy efficiency and energy saving as factors of economic development” Elchieva M.S., Namangan city, Uzbekistan, International Scientific Journal «Research Focus», RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 05.02.2024 № 000061 ( 10645877)
Educational and Methodological Manuals:
- Methodological guidelines for conducting practical classes on the course “Transmission and distribution of electricity” for undergraduate students in the direction 640200 “Electric power engineering and electrical engineering” Compiled by: Karybekova B. Elchieva M. 65 p. Printing house of OshTU 2022.
- Textbook for the course “Electromechanics” for undergraduate students in the direction 640200 “Electric power engineering and electrical engineering”. Compiled by: Elchieva M., Karybekova B., Andaeva Z., 98 p. Printing house of OshTU 2024.
Full Name: Yslamov Mukhammadsadyk Makhamatrajapovich
Specialization: Relay Protection and Automation
Position: Director of the Innovation Scientific and Technological Center of OshTU, Senior Lecturer
Academic Degree: Master
Courses Taught: Relay Protection and Automation, CAD and Automation in Power Systems (EES)
Phone: 0(776)319794
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- «Renewable energy sources as a means of saving fossil fuel and energy resources» Murzakulov N.A. and Islamov M.M., Namangan city, Uzbekistan , International Scientific Journal «Research Focus» RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 10.02.2024 № 000087 (
- «Hybrid power supply systems based on renewable energy sources» Murakulov N.A., Islamov M.M., Namangan city, Uzbekistan, International Scientific Journal «Research Focus»
Full Name: Attokurov Anarbek Kudayarovich
Specialization: Power Supply
Position: Lecturer
Academic Degree: –
Academic Title: –
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Precision Standardization and Technical Measurement in Mechanical Engineering, Material Processing and Tools, Economics, Organization and Management of Production
Phone: 0(779) 41 77 01
Email Address:
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Akmatov B., Attokurov A.K.The conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy. “Modern tasks of scientific work. Prospects for the introduction of innovative solutions.” Collection of articles based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on August 30, 2022
- Attokurov A.K., Igamberdieva J.A., Satybaldyev A.B. Assessment of energy consumption and energy efficiency of various types of engines in mechanical engineering// Journal. Trends in the development of science and education. 2023. No. 100-5. pp. 93-96
- Satybaldyev A.B., .Attokurov A.K., Igamberdieva J.A. Analysis of existing methods and tools of artificial intelligence and automation in the design of machinery and equipment// Materials of the international scientific and technical conference “Prospects for the development of integration of science and production in Uzbekistan”Andijan, 19-21.10.2023, pp.997-1007.
- Satybaldyev A.B., Berdibekova S.K., Attokurov A.K., Igamberdieva Zh. A. String theory of everything: revivew research// Scopus: Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series “Physics. Vol 54 2023y.
- Satybaldiev A.B., Atkurov A.K. Vodiane// Kyrgyzpatent, No.352, 2023(Official Bulletin,No.3 (300) Bishkek-2023)
Qualifications and information on professional development:
- Postgraduate studies ОshТU, 2008-2012y.
Full Name: IgamberdiyevaZhanargulAbdirashitovna
Specialization: Communications Engineer
Position: Lecturer
Academic Degree: –
Academic Title: –
Courses Taught: General Physics Course, Metrology, Standardization, and Certification
Phone: 0(771) 59 58 90
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- Satybaldyev A. B., Berdibekova S. K., Igamberdieva J. A. A study of the impact of labor incentives on the quality of employee work in the journal “Bulletin of Science and Practice” in No. 1 (January) 2024.
- Igamberdieva J. A., Satybaldyev A. B.,Attokurov A. K., Assessment of energy consumption and energy efficiency of various types of engines in mechanical engineering //InternationalJournalofAutomationTechnology. – 2019. – Т. 13. – №. 3. – С. 346-353.
Full Name: Bazarbay uulu Zholdubay
Specialization: Power Systems and Networks
Position: Lecturer
Academic Degree: Master
Academic Title: –
Courses Taught: Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Electrical Components of Power Stations and Substations
Phone: 0(777) 79 90 07
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- «The use of wind energy in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan” associate professor Murakulov N.A. and teacher Bazarbai uulu Zh., Namangan city, Uzbekistan InternationalScientificJournal «ResearchFocus» RESEARCHFOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 ResearchBip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) 02.2024 № 000065 (
Full Name: Zhanbayeva Aygerim Bakytovna
Specialization: Electrical Power Stations
Position: Lecturer
Academic Degree: –
Academic Title: –
Courses Taught: Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Hydropower Installations
Phone: 0(500) 196489
Major Scientific Works:
Scientific Articles:
- «Actual problems of energy saving and ways to solve it on the basis of energy-efficient technologies” Murzakulov N.A., Zhanbaeva A.B., Absamatkyzy G., RESEARCH FOCUS | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 2 | 2024 ISSN: 2181-3833 Research Bip (7.8) | Google Scholar | SJIF (5.708) | UIF (8.3) ,10.02.2024 № 000087, (
Full Name: Karabaev Primberdi Kalbaevich
Specialization: Electrical Engineer
Position: Engineer
Phone: 0(772) 10 02 03
Full Name: Kudayberdi kyzy Mayramgul
Specialization: Software Engineer
Position: Laboratory Assistant
Academic Degree: –
Academic Title: –
Phone: 0(554) 351815
Full Name: Kudayarova Aimeirim Abdilashimovna
Specialization: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Position: Laboratory Assistant
Academic Degree: –
Academic Title: –
Phone: 0(774) 18 32 04
Email Address: