International Relations of Osh Technological University
Osh Technological University carries out its international activities in accordance with the law of Kyrgyz Republic, the University Charter, the international department regulations in the following areas: establishment and development of effective mutually beneficial partnerships with international associations, organizations, diplomatic missions, foreign educational institutions; assistance in the improvement of educational programs, quality of training, training of future specialists, promotion of innovative projects by taking into account the experience of world’s leading educational institutions; increased practices of international academic mobility of employees and students of the University; contribution in the export of educational services; holding international scientific conferences and seminars.
To integrate Osh Technological University of named after M.M. Adyshev into international educational community, develop and strengthen the university’s ties with the world’s leading scientific centers, the “International Relations Office” (IRO) was established at the university.
1 Goals and objectives of IRO
1.1 The main goal of IRO is organizing and coordinating the participation of Osh Technological University in the international cooperation programs aimed at improving the quality of educational programs, increasing the international prestige of OshTU.
1.2 Main tasks of IRO are:
• Develop cooperation with international organizations and educational institutions, diplomatic missions;
• Implement international educational and research programs and projects, attracting international investment in the development of the University;
• Organize studies abroad for students and post-graduate students, internships of teaching staff and university staff; hold international scientific conferences and seminars;
• Coordinate international cooperation of faculties, departments and other structural divisions of the University with foreign partners;
• Organize foreign students training; post-graduate students, doctoral scholars, trainees’ visits by intergovernmental and inter-university agreements, and individual visits as well;
• Export educational services.
2. Functions of IRO
In accordance with the main tasks, the department performs following functions:
2.2.1. Organization of an integrated system of University’s international cooperation with other countries, regions and international organizations in the field of education, science and culture.
2.2.2. Promotion of University integration into the world educational system to become a full partner and ensuring its participation in the international market of educational services.
2.2.3. Identification of priority programs for the development of international relations with foreign states and international organizations, the formation on their basis of international programs and cooperation projects in conjunction with other units of the university:
– Assistance to OshTU units to call for foreign grants;
– Assistance to call for grant projects;
– Participation in the implementation of projects in cases grants received;
2.2.4. Organization of works on University’s obligations fulfillment arising from the Agreements on cooperation with the states of the distant and near abroad, on education, as well as relevant international cooperation programs, interdepartmental treaties and agreements.
– Preparation for signing the contracts and other documents on joint activities with foreign partners;
– Arrangements for reception of foreign representatives: scheduling of dates and programs of reception in OshTU: foreign experts, delegations, employees of diplomatic services, post-graduate students, trainees, students (for all types of training);
2.2.5. Organization of trainings, internships, advanced training of foreign citizens and compatriots.- Creation and maintenance of a database for possible participation in international cooperation.
– Search for foreign partners for teacher exchanges, preparation and signing of relevant agreements.
– Involvement of foreign experts to the University to activate works on specific areas.
– Organization and conduct of events aimed at acquiring skills and abilities necessary for the establishment and development of international contacts
– Providing consultation for the faculty on issues of obtaining passports, opening visas, booking hotels, etc.
2.2.6. Organization of admission of foreign students and teachers for various forms of training and advanced training per specialties of the University.
– Assistance in the preparation of documents, visas, tickets, letter of invitation;
– Providing activities to foreign citizens on explanation of the current legislation in the field of education of the Kyrgyz Republic, internal regulations of the organization of education;
2.2.10. Information and analytical support of international cooperation.
2.2.11. Supporting University’s website with information on international activities.
2.2.12. Ensuring University community, departments employees with up-to-date information on ongoing international scientific forums, programs of various organizations and funds
2.2.13. Preparation of annual reports on the activities of the office; Facilitation of facsimile, telephone and electronic international communication:
– Faxing and connection for telephone calls;
– Receipt of facsimile and electronic messages and their delivery to addressees;
– Accounting and control of international telephone calls and facsimile dispatches carried out by the University staff through the international department.
Foreign universities |
Eurasian national University named after L. N. Gumilev |
Kazakh national University. Al – Farabi |
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical university |
1. |
Technical University of Lublin |
Russia |
Polzunov Altai State Technical University |
Kuban State Technological University | 1. |
Kemerovo Institute of food science and technology | ||
Tomsk Polytechnic University | ||
Far Eastern Federal University | ||
Novgorod state University | ||
Kazan state power engineering university | ||
Altai state University | | |
Astrakhan state University | | |
Kostroma state agricultural Academy | |
Moscow automobile and road construction state technical university |
Moscow state University of press named after him. Ivan Fedorov |
Moscow state University of civil engineering |
Moscow state University of Economics, statistics and Informatics |
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics |
National research University |
National research technological University |
National research “Tomsk Polytechnic University” |
Omsk state transport University | ||
Omsk state technical University | ||
Saint Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics |
Pacific national University | ||
Novgorod state University. Yaroslav The Wise | ||
Ural state University of Economics | ||
Siberian federal University |
Moscow Institute of Economics | ||
University Of Grenoble Alpes |
Germany |
LOGO Agriculture and ecological Balance with Eastern Europe |
Korea |
Hanyang University |
University Of Jeonbuk |
Honam University |
University Of Jeonju |
Education global gateway |
Uzbekistan |
Polytechnic University of Turin |
Kyrgyz economic University. M. Ryskulov | |
Batken State University | ||
The Confucius Institute at Osh state University | | |
Osh state University |
Information on Osh Technological University projects in the field of international relations
I.German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) under draft
Currently, 4 projects within the framework of the published projects of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) «Professional Education for the Economic Growth Branches in Central Asia», «Support of Employment and Vocational Training» are being implemented at OshTU.
These projects are as follows:
- Project name: «Professional Education for Economic Growth Sectors in Central Asia». The final goal of the project is to create a joint bachelor’s program and academic calendar for the area 580600 «Logistics» (profile «Food logistics»). Within the project, cooperation agreements were signed with 18 industrial enterprises (agricultural, food, processing, seed, storage, etc.) In the south of Kyrgyzstan, a methodological seminar for the heads of these enterprises and university professors was held.
The project coordinator from OshTU is Professor Atabekov A.K.
- Pilot project of OshTU in the program of providing employment of returning migrants and unemployed citizens, by opening own business within the project on employment support and vocational training, implemented by the German society of International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic.
9 teachers of the Economics and Management Faculty were trained (trainer) at the DevCIT Acceleration training center in order to implement the project. At the pilot stage, teachers held a «Training course for beginners» for unemployed and migrants registered in the Nookat district of Osh region, and students prepared their business ideas in the form of a business project.
The training was conducted by experienced trainers – associate professor Hamzayeva A.M., associate professor Zikirayev M.T., associate professor Samieva K.T., associate professor Parpieva F.S. Within the framework of this project, the university managed to obtain a license for the additional education program (short-term courses) and the project is progressing well. Currently, these teachers in cooperation with the Department of Social Development of Nookat district of Osh region conduct on behalf of OshTU advanced training courses for start-up entrepreneurs. The head of this project from the University is Hamzayeva A. M.
- Project name: «Development of water pumps based on renewable energy sources and their use in the food industry for irrigation of arable land». Total amount: 692,954 soms. The project is implemented on behalf of OshTU. Project Coordinator – Professor Zhorobekov Bolotbek Astayevich.
The main objective of the project is to develop a renewable energy water pump to irrigate drylands and produce pure food.
- Title of the project: «Development and practical application of new post-harvest technology for rice in the conditions of the south of Kyrgyzstan», total amount – 1 million. United States dollars, 379 thousand 780 soms, the project will be implemented on behalf of OshTU. The project coordinator is professor E.A. Smailov.
The main objective of the project is to prevent food insecurity and promote the cultivation of crops productive in Kyrgyzstan. As a result of the project, the quality of rice will be improved and Kyrgyz products will be exported under the brand.
II.According to the project «Erasmus+» of the European Union.
Currently, OshTU implements 3 projects in the field of education, youth and vocational training, published within the framework of the program «Erasmus+».
These projects are as follows:
- Project name – «Development of interdisciplinary postgraduate education programs and strengthening of research networks in the field of geoinformation technologies in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan» (GeoTAK), 2021-2024. The coordinator of the project is the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). The coordinator of the GeoTAK project in OshTU is the associate professor OshTU Ergeshova G.A.
In December 2023, associate professor Ergeshova G., Matisakov Zh. and Nizamiyev A. held a guest lecture on the training of PhD on the area of GeoTAK at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). In January 2024 Ergeshova G., Saidamatov SH., Matisakov Zh., Nizamiev A., Kutunaev Zh., Momosheva G. took part in the conference on innovative research at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, and the company «GeoTAK» took part in the conference on the project implementation in OshTU.
The objective of the project is to identify regional and local research and development needs in which geographic information technology (GIT) will play an important role, as well as to strengthen research and innovation links between higher education institutions, industry and administration of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan; creation and development of research and innovation networks in the field of geoinformation technologies in partner countries; improvement of the material and technical base of research structures; Further training of professors and teaching staff and development of master’s and doctoral programmes in the field of «Cartography and geoinformatics»; development and strengthening of cooperation between universities and industry on subjects; which are considered important for the sustainable development of partner countries; exchange of experiences and ideas between the two partner countries.
Project partners: Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Free University of Brussels (Belgium), National Agrarian University of Armenia, Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia and Yerevan State University, Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia), KSTU named after I. Razzakov, OshTU named after M. Adyshev, Ministry of Education and Science, State Cartographic and Geodetic Service (State Cartography) under the State Agency for Land Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Osh Technological University has received a license for conducting doctoral studies (PhD) in the direction of «Cartography and geoinformatics» in order to implement the project «Erasmus+GeoTAK»
- The name of the project «Educational mobility of students and university teachers», it will be implemented in 2024-2027. Project coordinator – Kastamonu University (Turkey). Within the framework of the project, academic mobility, training of teachers, exchange of experience will take place.
Project partners: Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan).
- The title of the project «Educational mobility of students and teachers in higher educational institutions» will be implemented in 2021-2027 within the framework of the program of academic exchange «Mevlana». The project coordinator is the University of Tokat Gaziomonpasa (Turkey)., the processes of academic mobility of students and teachers, upgrading of teachers’ qualifications, exchange of experience will take place within the framework of the project in the field of higher education.
Project partners: Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan).
The coordinator of this project from OshTU is – doctor of philosophy, Professor Kedeibayeva Zh.A.
III. Project “CS-GBV Central Asia”
In addition, eradicate gender-based violence in society, and protect and empower women in order to strengthen the role of civil society in Central Asia, ACTED holds business planning trainings within the framework of the project «CS-GBV Central Asia» implemented in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Training will be held in Batken, Jalal-Abad and Chu regions in May-June, followed by a mentoring phase for women trained. Project coordinators from OshTU: associate professor Hamzayeva A.M., associate professor Samieva K.T.
International Projects: TEMPUS and ERASMUS+ programs
№ | Project Title | Coordinator | |
2010-2013 | |||
The project CREDO (the third cycle of training on renewable energy and environmental technologies to create a doctoral program) | KTH Royal institute of Technology (Sweden) | ||
GEM project. (Geoinformatics: Energy Resources and Environmental Management) | University of Salzburg (Austria) | ||
SIBELES project.( Curriculum Invoking Bologna-aligned Education leading to reform programs in Environmental Studies) | Göttingen University (UGOE)
(Germany) 2010 |
2012-2015 | |||
QUADRIGA project.
Qualification frameworks in Central Asia: Bologna-based principles and regional coordination priority |
University of Koblenz-Landau( Germany)
“Master programs on Renewable Sources of Energy and Energy Efficiency in buildings in Central Asia and Russia | Lund University, (Sweden) | ||
2013-2016 | |||
UNIWORK project.
“Strengthening Career Centers in Central Asian Higher Education Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment” |
University of Alicante (Spain) | ||
PROMIS project. Project-based professional Master’s studies “Informatics as a second competence “ |
Pierre Mendès-(France)
Academic mobility is aimed at expanding international cooperation of OshTU through the exchange of experience and knowledge among students and employees. Students have the opportunity to go to a partner institution for a period of one semester or one academic year for training and practice, but the teachers and the staff members of OshTU, depending on the selected program can be mobilized for a period of 5 days or more for teaching, conducting research and participating in the fellowship programs.
Academic mobility programs
- Erasmus + program
- Academic exchange program of Praxx
- Academic Exchange Program of Logo
- The program of academic mobility within the framework of bilateral treaties and agreements between OshTU after M.M. Adyshev and partner universities.
Osh Technological University conducts educational activity on the basis of a state license and a certificate of accreditation that gives the right to issue documents on higher education of a set pattern to persons who have successfully completed training.
The university conducts continuous works on the export of educational services. Annually enrolls students a number of which are citizens of foreign countries. Foreign students from Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen and Korea are studying among the University students. For this, perennial international partnerships, and information and communication resources are used.
№ |
Faculty |
Uzbekistan | Turkmenistan | Yemen | Tajikistan | Russia | Kazakstan | Turkey | |||||||
с | е | с | е | с | е | с | е | с | е | с | е | с | е | ||
1 | RTF | 1 | 7 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | |||||||
2 | AD&CEF | 1 | 17 | ||||||||||||
3 | EF | 1 | 9 | ||||||||||||
4 | T&NRMF | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||
5 | C&ITF | 1 | 11 | ||||||||||||
6 | E&MF | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||
7 | TC | 10 | 1 | ||||||||||||
8 | NU&TSF | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||
9 | IPR&PD | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||
total :
82 |
5 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 54 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 1 | |||||
On the contract form of training in Oshtu named after M.M. Adyshev is accepted by foreign citizens who have successfully passed nationwide testing and the corresponding additional subject test or who successfully passed the corresponding directions (specialties), introductory tests
- Applicants entering as foreign citizens, provide:
- a personal application;
- the original and a notarized translation into Russian of the document on education and its annexes, duly certified in the established manner;
- Foreign citizens who have foreign documents on education must be legalized before the submission of documents to the Admission Board (apostilled) in accordance with the established procedure (information can be obtained at the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic);
- original and copy of the passport / visa translation
- Medical certificate on the absence of contraindications for study abroad (absence of HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis). The certificate must be translated into Russian and notarized.
- -12 black and white matte photos 3×4. (without a headdress)
- Send the passport copy to the email depinternationaloshtu
Attention! A convincing request for a copy of the passport must be in an appropriate format and legible.
Please note that upon arrival at the university, your education documents must be legalized (stamped with Apostille) in due course.
!! Attention Passport and foreign documents on education (diploma and application) must be translated into Russian and notarized before arrival at the university. Before submitting documents to the department for work with foreign students, it is necessary to pass foreign documents on education for examination (information can be obtained at the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic);
After receiving the consent / direction for training, it is necessary to confirm the arrival to the university 2 weeks prior to arrival by e-mail or by phone for booking a place in the hostel.
You will receive the hostel address from the Oshtu employee by e-mail after confirming your arrival, indicating the date and time.
- Upon arrival, check in the hostel.
- Give the guard a passport and you are taken to a room.
On the day of arrival or the next day (exception: days off) you must appear with the original passport to obtain the forms required for admission:
On the day of arrival or the next day (exception: days off) you must report to the international department of the university department with the following documents:
- Original passport
- Certificate of residence
All foreign citizens arriving in the Kyrgyz Republic must submit documents for registration in the passport and visa department of the university within 3 days after crossing the border of the Kyrgyz Republic o All foreign citizens must extend the student visa / registration a month before the end of her term
For enrollment, you must provide:
- original passport
- Photocopy of the first page of the passport and visa (if any) on one page
- Original educational documents and notarially certified translation into Russian of documents and passports
- The document on education must be legalized (apostilled) in the prescribed manner (information can be obtained at the Kyrgyz Embassy)
- a copy of all pages of the passport (1 copy);
- 12 photos 3 * 4 cm
- results of examinations
- signed statement from the institute
- completed questionnaire .
- medical certificate on the state of health with marks about vaccinations; document of the medical institution of the country of residence of the candidate, confirming the absence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS
Important, 1. Students are required to pay for training in the Bank of AKB, RSK.
- Narmirzaeva Sharapat Abdilbakievna +9960770582293 • Karimova Jyldyz Usonovna