Department of Architecture, Design and Graphics
The history of the department Specialty "Design of architectural environment" 16.03.2001 by the order of the rector OshTU ¹ 7...
The history of the department Specialty "Design of architectural environment" 16.03.2001 by the order of the rector OshTU ¹ 7...
The HR department is a structural unit of the university. The department is guided by: The Law of the Kyrgyz...
The history of the department Specialty "Design of architectural environment" 16.03.2001 by the order of the rector OshTU ¹ 7...
Department "State and world languages" The Department of "State and World Languages" of the Technological College was established by the...
Brief history of the department In 1963 in Osh city the Osh evening faculty was opened at the Frunze Polytechnic...
Technology and Innovation Support Center (Technopark)
Humanitarian-technological college of Osh technological university named after. academician Adyshev M.M.
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