"Department of Mathematics and Statistics" of humanitarian technological college was established by the order of the rector of OshTU on...
Brief history of the department The department of “Geology, environmental management and safety” of the College of Humanities and Technology...
In the Kyrgyz Republic, automobile transport is the main mode of transportation, accounting for 95% of cargo transportation and 97%...
The Department of Legal Work (hereinafter referred to as the Department) of the Osh Technological University named after M.M.Adyshev (hereinafter...
Brief history of the department By the order of Kyrgyz Republic Public Education Ministry the Department of Electronics and Computing...
The training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at Osh Technological University is conducted through postgraduate studies. The graduate school of...
Specialization of "Architectural Environment Design" 16.03. By the order of OshTU’s rector by No. 7-01/344, 2001, the “Architecture, Design and...
The history of the department Specialty "Design of architectural environment" 16.03.2001 by the order of the rector OshTU ¹ 7...
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