The Department of World Languages Subject-Cycle Association was established in 2007 as the Foreign Language Sector by the decision of the Academic Council of OshTU and the order of the rector No. 09-04/158.
On October 19, 2011, by the decision of the Academic Council of OshTU and the rector’s order No. 07-02/88, the Foreign Language Sector was expanded and renamed the Department of State and World Languages.
From October 19, 2011, to July 2, 2024, the Department of State and World Languages continued its activities.
On July 2, 2024, by the decision of the Academic Council of OshTU and the rector’s order No. 09-04/404, the Department of World Languages Subject-Cycle Association was separated, and currently, 12 instructors are working in it. New teaching methods are being implemented, and open lessons, organizational work, and events are conducted at a high level.
The instructors of the association have been awarded the title of “Excellence in Public Education,” valuable awards, certificates of appreciation, diplomas, and valuable awards from the Osh Regional State Administration, the Osh City Mayor’s Office, and OshTU for their achievements in providing students with quality education and upbringing.
In addition to writing educational and methodological manuals, the instructors of the association are also engaged in scientific research.