A seminar for farmers, producers and processors of fruits and nuts was held at the Department of Agricultural Products Processing Technology of OshTU.
The SUFACHAIN workshop was organized as part of a project to promote sustainable land management through the development of products, processes, SMEs in forestry and agroforestry value chains.
This event is part of the research project “Promoting sustainable land management through the development of products, processes, SMEs in the Central Asian agroforestry value chain”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Businessmen from Osh, Batken, and Jalal-Abad regions took part in the seminar.
On the first day of the seminar, practical classes were held on the technology of drying fruits and vegetables, as well as training in product quality control.
- Smanalieva Zhamilya Nasirovna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, researcher
Dresden Technical University (Germany);
- Irmatova ZhyldyzKamilovna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department;
- Israilova GulbarchynSalimovna – candidate of biological sciences, associate professor;
The practical work was conduct