Volleyball players (40+, 25+) of the Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan) and the Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute (Uzbekistan) held a friendly volleyball competition at the Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute.
The best athletes of the OshTU team took part – Aliyma Mamatkasymova, Gulkan Toychubekova, Albina Tashtemirova, Venera Maralova, Batma Myrzakulova, Umutai Baatyrova, Farida Zhyrgalbaykyzy, Meerim Abdykadyrova, Shaiyrgul Ibraimova, Zhanibekkyzy Omurkan, Aigerim Akmyrzaeva, Gulnara Artykbaeva , Omurbekkyzy Aiymkan, Gulumkan Sadybakasova, Bilalkyzy Munara, Anara Aliyeva, Asylay Akmatalieva.
A large delegation led by the rector of OshTU Tursunbaev Zh.Zh. took part in this sports competition. consisting of: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mamytov U.Zh., heads of faculties – Murzakulova N., Atabekova A., Arzybaeva M., heads of departments – Kadyrbekkyzy N. Sh. Marazakova.
Based on the results of the competition, the winners were determined and prizes were awarded.
Venera Maralova was named “Best Player” among women 40+.