About the department
In 1991 on the basis of the department “Fundamentals of Production” the “Technology of Light Industry” department was formed. Today the staff of the department consists of 1 professor, 4 candidates of sciences, 4 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer and 6 teachers. Since the beginning of the first graduation the department has trained over 1400 specialists of higher qualification for the enterprises of light industry. The graduates of the department Sydykova J.A., Mendikulova L.S., Abdyrasulova R.R., Maksytova M.T. have defended candidate’s theses on specialties. One of the famous fashion designers in Kyrgyzstan Mamytova Saltanat is also a graduate of the department.
The department is working on mastering the techniques of CAD (computer-aided design system) of clothing for design and modeling of technical documentation preparation for light industry products Graffis, Grazia. There is a computerized training laboratory equipped with the necessary technical equipment to carry out these works. In addition, there are sewing laboratories with a park of modern sewing equipment for the production of stylish and high-quality clothes.
In the process of study for students of these specialties is carried out training in the disciplines “Technology of sewing products”, “Design of sewing products”, “Design of sewing enterprises”, “Artistic design of costume”, “Execution of the project in the material”, “History and composition of costume”, etc.
The department is actively engaged in attracting students to independent creative work. The main direction of creative work is the study of Kyrgyz national ethnic costume. Collections of costumes developed by students are actively presented at international, national, regional and student conferences, fashion shows and take worthy prizes.
The topics of scientific works of teachers and students of the department are related to the Kyrgyz national decorative and applied art. Below are the results of diploma projects and scientific works of students.
Fields of study
The department trains specialists in the following educational programs:
BACHELOR’S DEGREE in the area of
740700 “Technology and design of light industry products” on two profiles “Technology of sewing products” and “Design of sewing products”.
- Academic degree: Bachelor
- Form of study: full-time and part-time.
- Term of study: 4 years and 5 years
- Tuition fee: budget and contract based
- Admission of documents: based on the results of the All-Republican testing and additional testing in chemistry or physics.
570700 “Art of Costume and Textile” in the profile “Artistic Design of Costume”
- Form of study: full-time
- Term of study: 4 years
- Tuition fee: budget and contract based
- Admission: based on the results of the All-Republican testing and additional examination in the disciplines “Drawing” and “Fundamentals of Composition”.
570020 “Design” profile “Fashion Design”
- Form of training: full-time
- Term of study: 5 years
- Training: contract based
- Admission of documents: based on the results of the examination in the disciplines “Drawing” and “Fundamentals of Composition”, the results of the All-Republican testing are not required.
To train bachelors and highly qualified specialists, the department has technically equipped laboratories and workshops, a modern computer class, as well as a library fund with books, journals and electronic textbooks on the specialty.
Areas in which scientific work is carried out
The scientific work of the staff of the department is aimed at conducting scientific research in promising areas:
- Creation of Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary on terminology of light industry branches, under the direction of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Arziev M.;
- Research of the economy development of the Kyrgyzstan’s light industry, supervised by Associate Professor N.S. Abdykalykova.
- Development of the method of designing and manufacturing of volumetric shaped clothing parts from felt under the guidance of candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Sydykova J.A. and senior lecturer Moldoshova A.B.;
- in the field of design research and dynamics of sewing machines under the guidance of candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bakirova N. A.;
- Study of decorative and applied art, under the direction of a member of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan Moldoshova A.B.;
- Creation of new types of materials for special clothing of builders, under the guidance of graduate student of the Department of TLP Kochkorbaeva Ch.T.
The faculty of the department actively involves and implements students in the work while conducting scientific research. Therefore, upon graduation, students already possess professional and scientific competencies that they will need in their future labor practice.
Depatment staff
Bakirova Nazgul – сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department
e-mail: b_nazka_85@mail.ru
tel.nom: +996 550-14-11-21
Scientific publications: 20 scientific articles, 3 educational and methodical instructions, 2 monographs, 3 brochures.
Teaching disciplines: Computer graphics, Layout, CAD of clothes, Information technologies in light industry.
Professional development: AutoCAD courses, AAOPO seminar “Conducting independent accreditation of programs and organizations of professional education”, “Higher School of Stylistics”.
Sydykova Zhannat Abdukamalovna сandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: Jannat_kan16@mail.ru
tel.nom: +996 777-46-24-28
Scientific publications: 26 scientific articles, 10 educational and methodical instructions, 1 monograph.
Teaching disciplines: “Technology of sewing products”, Decorative and Applied Art, Introduction to the specialty, Professional training, Designing of sewing enterprises.
Professional development: Courses “CAD “Eleandr, Julivi”, Seminar “Independent accreditation of programs and organizations of professional education”, Seminar on accreditation “Ednet”.
Arziev Musa Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
e-mail: arziev.52@mail.ru
tel.nom: +996 558-07-77-02
Scientific publications: 50 scientific articles, 36 educational and methodical instructions
Teaching disciplines: Applied Arts, Decorative and Applied Art, Equipment and technical means of production (O&TSP), Fundamentals of the theory of system design, Metrology, standardization, certification, Introduction to the specialty, Technology of the industry, Machines and apparatuses of sewing production.
Professional development: Courses “AutoCAD”, “Use of interactive methods in teaching”.
Abdykalykova Nazgul Sulaymanovna Associate Professor
e-mail: nabdykalykova@gmail.com
tel.nom: +996 550736421
Scientific publications: 34 scientific articles, 14 educational and methodical instructions, 1 brochure
Teaching disciplines: Economics in production, Fundamentals of the theory of system design, Material science of sewing production, History of fashion and style, Modern etiquette, Patterns, ornaments of costume of the peoples of the world, modern materials, Style in clothes, Confection of materials.
Professional development: Courses “AutoCAD”, “Use of interactive methods in teaching”, “Higher School of Stylistics”.
Aizada Ergeshaliyevna Kubakova Associate Professor
e-mail: Kubakova69@bk.ru
tel.nom: +996 552-27-92-86
Scientific publications: 7 scientific articles, 12 educational and methodical instructions
Teaching disciplines: Designing of garments, Professional training, Technology of garments, MIOTP.
Professional development: Courses “AutoCAD”, training on the First program and the project “Development of academic integrity, ethics and pedagogical skills of teachers”.
Moldoshova Aida Burkanovna Senior Lecturer
e-mail: aidamoldoshova@gmail.com
tel.nom: +996 773-66-59-41
Scientific publications: 5 teaching and methodical instructions, 3 scientific articles, 12-creative collections, more than 36-creative works
Teaching disciplines: Costume Composition, Color Studies, Execution of the project in material, Project Graphics, Costume Graphics, Painting, Drawing.
Professional development: AutoCAD courses, training on the First program and the project “Development of academic honesty, ethics and pedagogical skills of teachers”
Omorov Zhumabek Abdimamatovich Lecturer
e-mail: jumabek-75@list.ru
tel. number: +996 779 778 999
Teaching disciplines: Drawing, Painting, Costume graphics.
Professional development: AutoCAD courses, training on the First program and the project “Development of academic integrity, ethics and pedagogical skills of teachers“.
Kokoeva Erkaiym Ergeshevna Lecturer
e-mail: erkinaiergeshova1601@gmail.com
tel. number: +996 773 93-20-03
Teaching disciplines: Professional training, Decorative-applied art, Layout. Scientific publications: 10 scientific articles, 2 educational and methodical instructions.
Kamilzhan kyzy Kandalat Lecturer
e-mail: KamiljankK@bk.ru
tel. number: +996 772-89-53-76
Teaching disciplines: Decorative-applied art, Costume graphics.
Scientific publications: 9 scientific articles, 2 educational and methodical instructions.
Dzhoroeva Saikal Tashbolotovna Lecturer
tel. number: +996 774 17-62-29
Teaching disciplines: Technology of sewing products, Professional training.
Scientific publications: 2 scientific articles.
Akmatali uulu Sagynbai Lecturer
e-mail: sagynakmataliuulu@gmail.com
tel. number: +996 507 69-57-17
Teaching disciplines: Drawing, Painting.
Nurumbetova Elzat Ravshanovna Lecturer
e-mail: elzat.nurumbetova@mail.ru
tel. no.: +996 551 80-20-82
Teaching disciplines: Fashion Illustration, Costume Graphics, Project Graphics, Fundamentals of Composition, Costume Composition.
Sapar Sarbaevich Zhylchiev Head of Laboratory
tel. number: +996 555 44-00-90
Asanova Zhyldyz training master
e-mail: jyldyzasanova02@gmail.com
tel. nom: +996 771 07-09-02
Maksut kyzy Uulzhan laboratory assistant
tel. nom: +996 771 07-09-02
Alumni who have made a success of it
Maksutova Maksat Tashbolotovna candidate of technical sciences
Head of the Department of Artistic Design of Products Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
Saltanat Mamytova Fashion designer
Founder of “Saltanat Mamytova” Brand
Nargiza Suleimanova Zhusupalievna Fashion designer
Founder of «Nukura Brand» Fashion House
Gulzat Toktobekovna Saipova Fashion designer
Founder of «Gulzat Saipova» Fashion House