The main goal of the Department of Educational Quality, Accreditation and Licensing is to meet the needs of stakeholders in quality education in order to coordinate the educational process and organize the work of the university’s structural subdivisions to manage and ensure the quality of education.
The Department of Quality, Accreditation and Licensing of Education works in the following tasks:
- implementation and coordination of quality policy at faculties, colleges and structural divisions of the university;
- monitoring indicators and processes of the quality of education at faculties, colleges and structural divisions of the university, analyzing them and taking measures to improve their quality;
- organizing and conducting monitoring, assessing the quality of training results and analyzing monitoring results
- Reception and processing of documents issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic;
The Rating of OshTU
- Certificates in areas
Local regulatory documents
- Regulations on the main educational program
- OshTU policy in the field of quality of education
DEQ documents
- Regulations on the education monitoring system of OshTU
- Regulations on the Department of Quality of Education, Accreditation and Licensing of OshTU
- Structure of OshTU
- DEQ work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.
- Technical base of OshTU
- preparation and organization of work on licensing higher, secondary professional, postgraduate specialties (directions) and short-term courses
- quality management by analyzing the experience and recommendations of international educational institutions and using them in practice;
- increase the efficiency of operation and management of the university’s internal quality assurance system.
- development of internal regulatory documents regulating the work of OshTU for the purpose of quality management
- Additional licensing requirements (new)
- List of documents for licensing 2023
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated December 14, 2023 No. 678
- List of received licenses
Accreditation and reports
- Register of accreditation agencies
- On approval of acts on independent accreditation
- Management of standard higher professional training programs
- Management of secondary professional training
- Working commission
- Working Commission 2023
- Self-report of institutional accreditation of OshTU
- Information about received certificates of directions and specialties of OshTU
Questionnaire (online)
- Questionnaire to prepare for the training course
- Agreement
- ISO 9001-2015 program
- List of OshTU participants
- OshTU training seminar program
- Seminar program (Preparation for accreditation)
- Engineering pedagogy course
- Presentation preparation for institutional accreditation (2021)
Head of the Department
Azimova Alimakan Alibaevna
+99677823312, +996799279
Toktorova Gulnura Uktamovna
Botoyarova Maral Asanbaevna
Contact information of the Department of Quality of Education, Accreditation and Licensing (DofQE,AL)
Kyrgyz Republic, 723500
Osh, st. N. Isanova, 81. Office No. 1/310
Tel: +99677823312, +996799279
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08:30-17:30 (lunch break: 12:00-13:00)