Osh Technological University first began accepting applicants for training in economics in 1991, FEM is the first economics faculty in the south Kyrgyzstan. The faculty has established excellent traditions of higher economic education, updated in accordance with market requirements. High indicators have been achieved in scientific and project activities. Totally, the faculty has trained and graduated more than 10 thousand specialists in economics, accounting, business, and management. Most of the managers in the banking sector, business and public administration of south Kyrgyzstan – are our graduates.
Currently, FEM consists of 5 departments, where more than 50 employees work, including 4 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 20 candidates of sciences, 20 masters. The number of students is more than 2.400, including full-time and part-time (distant) departments.
FEM provides fundamental and professional training for bachelors and masters in economics and management, promotes the formation and development of research skills, as well as an active lifestyle, strives to preserve and develop the best traditions of the education, science and culture system of Kyrgyzstan. The faculty forms and supports the desire of students for continuous updating of knowledge, development of intellectual potential, high morality. FEU provides a wide range of educational and scientific services, has reliable partnerships with employers, graduates, universities of the republic, near and far abroad. The research results are presented at scientific conferences with the participation of world-class economists.
FEM mission – to promote the economic development of Kyrgyzstan using the technology of model “University 4-0”. Our mission is realized by achieving the following goals: 1. training of highly qualified personnel for business and public administration; 2. research and solutions to problems of economic and business development; 3. mastering and transferring best business practices and knowledge, etc.
Equipment. There are five computer labs at the faculty. All departments have access to the Internet, to the “Comfort” internal communication system, and the Univer+ IP- system. The faculty has 6 new interactive panels.
Faculty staff uses new interactive teaching methods. The electronic library of OshTU is regularly updated with electronic versions of educational, teaching and other manuals developed by the staff.
The faculty prepares bachelors in the following areas:
- economics(profiles:accountingandauditing,financeandcredit,economicsandmanagementatenterprises);
- business informatics(profiles:electronicbusiness,informationsecurityin the financial and bankingsector,electronicmanagementin the economy);
- logistics (profiles: entrepreneurial logistics, financial and banking logistics); business management (profiles: international business, project management);
- applied informatics(profiles:appliedinformaticsineconomics,informationsysteminbanking);
- internet technologies and management (profile: accounting, analysis and audit) social work(profile:socialwork);
- regional studies (profile: regional studies) management (profiles: production management);
- specialty 520001– branch economics: qualification — “engineer-economist”;
Master programs:
- Master of Direction580100Economics.Profiles:financeandcredit;accountingandauditing;
- Master of Management, profile:productionmanagement;
- Master of SocialWork, profile: socialwork)
Postgraduate study. Specialty: Economics, profile08.00.05.–Economicsandmanagement of the nationaleconomy.
Doctoral Studies (PhD)/by profile) – Economics 580100 “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, analysis and audit”.
Structure of the dean’s office:
acting dean of the faculty – Almaz Karimovich Atabekov, Dr. of economics, professor.
Mobile phone: 0557 747053;
e-mail: karimovich_7@mail.ru
deputydeanforacademicaffairs – MazirbayevKalybaiKadyrkulovich,Master of economics.
Mobile phone: 0779595116;
e-mail: kalybai89@mail.ru
deputydeanforcorrespondence,scientificworkandexternalrelations – Gulnaz Abdikerimovna Mametova,candidate of economics, ass. prof.
Mobile phone:0553382383,0773382383;
e-mail: gulnaz-mametova@mail.ru
Strategicplanof the faculty
- Matrix of actionsfor the development of the FEMStudents’ practice placement (photo reports)
- Agreements with enterprises
- Teachers’survey
- Parents’survey
- Students’ survey