The Department of Science of the Osh Technological University in its activities is guided by the Law of Kyrgyz Republic “On Science and on the Fundamentals of the State Scientific and Technical Policy (dated June 16, 2017 No. 103), the Regulation “On the training of scientific- pedagogical and scientific personnel in Kyrgyz Republic” (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyz Republic, National Attestation Commission of Kyrgyz Republic, National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic, dated November 09, 1995 No. 8 s / s-3/2), regulatory legal acts of Kyrgyz Republic, provisions of the Higher Attestation Commission of Kyrgyz Republic, the Charter of Osh Technological University and other internal legal documents of the university.
The scientific activities of the Osh Technological University are carried out by the following structural divisions:
- Department of science;
- Institute of Applied Sciences (IPS);
- 2 scientific laboratories at IPS:
-climate change and land use,
– Research computing laboratory;
- Scientific and Technical Council (STC);
- Dissertation Council D 06.20.606.;
- Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies;
- Department of magistracy;
- More than 30 educational laboratories;
- Departments and faculties.
Goals and objectives
The purpose of the activity of the department of science is to ensure the research and innovation activities of teachers and university staff, increase the quality of educational and scientific services through the introduction of modern educational and scientific and innovative technologies, increase the relevance, practical significance of scientific research conducted by the teaching staff, students, undergraduates, graduate students and PhD candidates.
The main tasks of the activity:
- Organization and coordination of research and innovation activities of faculties, departments and other structural units in the field of fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research.
- Formation of the annual plan of scientific activity, taking into account the priority areas of the university;
- Planning, organization and holding of international, republican, regional, interuniversity and intra-university scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical, scientific-methodological conferences, symposiums, forums, seminars and other scientific events;
- Organization of developing, analysis and dissemination of scientific and organizational information;
- Promotion of the effective use and development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff;
- Expanding the scope and improving the quality of scientific research;
- Ensuring close connection of scientific activity with the educational process;
- Development of international cooperation in the field of research activities.
- development of scientific projects within the framework of grants received through international organizations, as well as through the Department of Science and Scientific and Technical Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, scientific and technical programs of a regional and national nature;
- training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through postgraduate, doctoral, master’s programs;
- Organization and control of scientific work of all university departments and its educational, scientific and industrial complexes;
- Participation in the implementation of fundamental, exploratory, applied and methodological scientific research;
- Monitoring compliance with the main principles of research work of Osh Technological University.
According to the scientific direction “Scientific and technical foundations for the development of innovative and elite engineering education in Kyrgyzstan”, the university is working to improve the educational process based on modern achievements in science and technology, using new methods of scientific research. Large-scale scientific research of a fundamental and applied nature is actively carried out; innovative activities are held in various areas of science and technology.
Currently, Osh Technological University has a significant human resources potential, established scientific schools for research work. About 300 teachers and researchers are involved in scientific research, in the development of new equipment and technologies. More than half of them are doctors and candidates of sciences. Among them are 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2 honored workers of science of the Kyrgyz Republic, more than 25 academicians and corresponding members of public and professional academies, 22 doctors and 116 candidates of sciences as of January 1, 2023.
- Information and telecommunication technologies and new materials;
- Energy and transport (including alternative energy sources and road safety issues);
- Construction, design, architecture and mining;
- Mechanical engineering, chemical technologies in agriculture and biotechnology;
- Problems of environmental protection, ecology, nature management and biodiversity conservation;
- Integrated development of mineral resources;
- Technology of production, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials;
- Economic problems of Kyrgyzstan;
- Linguistic and methodological problems of describing foreign languages for educational purposes and developing new technologies for teaching them.
Since 2003, the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) has been functioning at Osh Technological University under the Department of Science, the purpose of which is to: coordinate scientific research, develop strategies and implement the scientific and technical concept of the university; integration of scientific activity and educational process; improving the training quality of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.
At the meetings of the Scientific and Technical Council, issues on the results of research work by departments are heard and discussed, project reports are heard through the Department of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, international projects, decisions are made on recommendations for defending candidate and doctoral dissertations. Scientific research and training at Osh Technological University are focused on priority areas for the development of science and technology, critical technologies and the main objectives of the development of the university.
Research work is carried out in accordance with the promising directions of the economic and social development of the republic.
A significant place in the plans of the research work of scientists is occupied by the most important topics carried out according to the decrees of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and comprehensive targeted programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Scientists from the Osh Technological University have developed a number of important research and innovation projects that have been introduced into production and educational institutions.
The work on the participation of Osh TU scientists in scientific competitions has intensified significantly. From 2018 to 2022, Osh TU scientists completed 9 scientific projects through the Department of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in priority areas, with a total amount of funding in the amount of 9,551,295 soms.
During 2018-2022 Osh TU scientists received 56 patents and copyright certificates for inventions and utility models.
Much attention is paid to using the potential of academic and leading industrial institutions in the south of Kyrgyzstan to improve the level of professional and elite training of students. This is the organization of practices, internships for students and young scientists, holding conferences, summer schools, seminars, performing joint research on grants and projects.
Every year in April, the university hosts a regional scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Science. Technologies. Innovations”, where more than 800 undergraduates and students actively involved in research activities, participate and make presentations, the best works are published in “Izvestiya Osh TU “.
Research work of students and undergraduates in various areas of science is actively carried out; most of them are involved in joint work on research projects funded by the republican budget and international organizations.
Students annually participate in regional student competitions, various exhibitions, international conferences and symposiums. In 2022, a business incubator was opened within the walls of the university, aimed at developing a creative economy, supporting entrepreneurship and creating start-ups among young people.
By 2022, the teaching staff of Osh TU participated in 80 international scientific, practical and theoretical conferences, in 15 international forums, 5 international scientific seminars, 30 scientific seminars of the republican and regional level, actively participated in more than 20 trainings and round tables.
More than 800 scientific articles of Osh TU teaching staff have been published in scientific periodicals indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI databases over the past 5 years.
IsraIlova Gulbarchyn Salimovna – Head of the Department of Science, Innovation, and Continuing Education, Ph.D.
Phone: +996 555 801 489, Email:
Zhusupov Baygeldi Turgumbayevich – Chief Specialist
Phone: +996 706 007 459, Email:
Dzhakypov Kanatbek Amanbayevich – Chief Specialist
Phone: +996 220 216 607, Email:
Shakirov Argen Asylbekovich – Leading Specialist
Phone: +996 990 577 200, Email:
Arzieva Suzanna Kazbekovna – Leading Specialist
Phone: +996 777 857 444, Email:
Akmyrzaeva Aygerim Nurmirzayevna – Leading Specialist
Phone: +996 700 357 007, Email:
Secretary: Tanakov N.T.
Koronova Aichurok Kurbanahunovna – Email:, Phone: +996 555 260 046