The Department of Chemistry was established in 1994 on the initiative of the rector of the Osh Higher Technological College, Academician Bectemir Murzubraimov, on the basis of Order No. 09-01/62A. It was headed by PhD of chemistry Associate Professor M.I. Ismailov.
The following independent departments were created on the basis of the department:
- Ecology and life safety, in 1996. It was headed by associate professor Zhumabaev Kamaldin$
- Geology of minerals, in 1996 (head of the department Amatov S.A.)
- Food technology, in 1997 (Head of the Department Ismailov M.I.)
On July 10, 1997, on the basis of Rector’s order No.09-04/62, the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology was established to train specialists in “chemical engineer-technologist” for technical purposes for the chemical industry and general education in chemistry in the South of Kyrgyzstan.
In 1994 – 2002, 6 PhD theses were defended at the department. Currently, 3 postgraduate students are studying at the department by correspondence.
During the existence of the department, the staff has published more than 200 scientific articles, textbooks, and teaching aids.
In 2002, for the first time in the history of the department, chemical engineers and technologists graduated in the specialty “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”. Four graduates received diplomas with honors and were accepted into graduate school. The rest of the graduates work in their specialty at chemical enterprises of the republic and in research laboratories.
Currently, the department employs: 1 Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor and 2 Candidate of Chemical Sciences Docent, 2 Docents of OshTU, 4 senior teachers and 1 teacher, 3 members of the teaching and support staff.
The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology is headed by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate Professor Zhorokulov Duishenaly Abdimimatovich.
720100 In the direction of “Chemical technology”, the department prepares bachelors in the profile:
- “Chemical technology of inorganic substances”
- “Chemical technology of natural energy sources (petroleum and gas) and carbon materials”.
This profession, a chemical engineer, plays a crucial role in modern life, especially in manufacturing, excluding industries not related to chemical technology. One of the main conditions for technological progress is the development of chemical technology.
Chemical technology plays an important role in solving the most urgent and promising problems of modern society.
Graduates of this field can work:
- in the chemical industry;
- in cement plants;
- in brick factories;
- in antimony and mercury plants;
- at gold processing plants;
- in water treatment plants (gorvodokanal);
- at thermal power plants (TPP);
- in the laboratories of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES);
- silk and textile enterprises;
- in metal processing plants;
- in light bulb factories;
- at machine-building plants;
- at enterprises and facilities of gas supply (Gorgaz);
- at F&L (Fuels and lubricants) enterprises;
- in pharmaceutical factories;
- in general secondary and higher educational institutions