Ydyrysov Ramis Zhumabekovich-director of the DVISR,
associate professor of the department of social sciences,
candidate of historical sciences
Year of birth: 23/07/1988.
Mobile data: 996777 144 124, presseoshtu@mail.ru




The main task of the department is to conduct moral and legal, patriotic, inter- national, civic and physical education of young people, increase the indepen- dence and desire for self-government of students, improve youth policy at OshTU, con- stant work is underway to:

  • form students’ sense of respect for universal values, national traditions, nurture respect for traditions, state symbols, democratic gains;
  • improving the level of ethical, aesthetic and environmental education;
  • Education in the democratic spirit;
  • the exclusion of students from the ranks of religious extremist groups;
  • deserves special attention not only public life, but also organizations entertainment, cultural, sports events, leisure and recreation for young people, the creation of youth ini- tiative centers, student clubs and schools, debate centers, helplines, clubs and interest groups;
  • improvement of so-cial and living conditions in the student dormitory.

The department of educational work and social development includes:

Youth affairs committee – chairman of the youth affairs committee Kadyrbekov Elturan-996707882626
Deputy deans of faculties for educational work;

TV studio “Zhashtyk” – director of the TV studio “Zhashtyk” – Ergeshova Asylzat Bakytbekovna – 0556655056

The Ctudent times newspaper Cultural and aesthetic center – Bagyshbayeva Dinara – 996555183645

Student house – commandant of the hostel Apazov Baktiyar – 996770243644

Student canteens and buffets OshTU Women’s Council – Chairman of the women’s council Mamatkasymova Aliyma Turozhanovna, 0772150829

OshTU Girls’ Council – Chairman of the Girls’ Council Alibekova Toktayym Zhanibekovna, 0557488849

The Department of Educational Work and Social Development was headed by:

Turgunbayev Sabyr, PhD, Associate Professor (1993-1995);
Nazarov Mukhamed Madaminovich Ph.D., Associate Pro- fessor (1995-1996);
Attokurov Urmat Tologonovich Ph.D., Associate Professor (1996-1998);
Karimova Minara (1998-2002);
Sagyndykova Adepkan Apsamatovna (2002-2004);
Onkoshova Gulnara Kalmakovna (2004-2007);
Arzimatov Azizbek Kabylovich (2007-2009);
Toktogulov Taalaibek Sadykovich (2009-2014);
Pakirdinov Rustam Rakhmatul- layevich (2014-2016);
Ydyrysov Ramis Zhumabekovich (since 2016);

TV studio “Zhashtyk”

TV studio “Zhashtyk” OshTU is one of the first broadcast television studios of higher educational institutions in the south of Kyrgyzstan. It was created by decision of the Academic Council in 1996 and received a media certificate from the Department of Justice of the Osh region. 2024 marks the 28th anniversary of its founding.

The TV studio “Zhashtyk” has as its goal the real provision of modern processing, broadening the horizons of students, increasing the level of their knowledge, introducing them to important events and activities at the university, as well as the aesthetic education of modern youth. Every week, the television studio “Zhashtyk” carries out public information broadcasting about the successes and latest achievements of the university, problems, tasks and prospects for its development, the life and social life of students, and presents scientific, educational and cultural and entertainment programs. , introduces them to new developments, laboratory, practical, lecture materials from the best teachers, helps students prepare independent and scientific work. Students have ample opportunities to try their hand at becoming TV presenters and TV journalists. All conditions have been created for studying cameraman, announcer, and editing skills. The creation of interesting independent videos and student programs is encouraged.

TV studio “Zhashtyk” maintains close partnerships and business ties with television studios and television channels “OshTV”, “ElTR”, “Channel 7”, “Yntymak TV”, “OshPirim”, “Erkin Too”, “Osh Shamy”, “Osh Zhanyrygy” , Akipress.kg, Kabar.kg, Aimaknews.kloop.kg, Barakelde.kg, Turmush.kg,Information about the newspaper “Stud times”

The newspaper “Stud Times” was founded on November 24, 2003 and was registered by the Ministry of Media as a mass media outlet. Its first leaders were Amatova Ainagul (2003), Kimsanov Kushtarbek (2003-2004), Tashibaev Nurgazy (2004-005), Jalilov Atakul (2005-2008). Since 2009, the editor-in-chief of Stud Times has been Bakirov Erkinbay.

At the beginning of its journey, the newspaper was published in black and white in a four-page version with a circulation of 1000 copies. Now the newspaper is published in color format on eight pages with a circulation of 1,500 to 5,000 copies through the Bishkek independent printing house “Media Support Center”. “Stud times” is one of the most popular and informative newspapers among modern university publications in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

The newspaper “Stud Times” widely covers the latest news, achievements, successes at OshTU, student and teaching work, news in the world and in our state, views and points of view on various issues, discussion of long-term and strategic plans for the development of our society and the place of youth in there are other important problems as well.

Employees of TS Zhashtyk:

Ergeshova Asylzat Bakytbekovna – Director of TS Zhashtyk
mob. tel.:+996550300123
WhatsApp: +996556655056
Telegram: +996557027520
Email address: asylzatergeshova97@mail.ru

Maammatrasul kyzy Aisha – editor
mob. tel.:+996709738947
WhatsApp: +996709738947
Telegram: +996709738947
Email address: aishaapyzova448gmail.com

Bakirov Erkinbay Nimatillaevich – editor
mob. tel.: 0771870900
WhatsApp: 0771870900
Telegram: 0771870900
Email: oshtvtrk@gmail.com

Biimamat uulu Shakhnahar – cameraman
mob. tel.: (+996)773386236
WhatsApp: (+996)773386236
Telegram: (+996)773386236
email: shahnazarbiimamat@gmail.com

Emilbek uulu Muktarbek – operator
mobile phone: +996505021304
WhatsApp: +996505021304
Telegram: +996505021304
email: muktarbekemilbekuulu9@gmail.com

Cultural aesthetic Center of OshTU

Oskonbaev Cholpon Kurstanbekovich –Head of the music section of the СAC, excellence in Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, laureate of international competitions of the Kyrgyz Republic

Year of birth: September 11, 1980

Email: Oskonbaev555@mail.ru
Mobile tel: 0709 90 90 07

 The cultural and aesthetic center was created on the basis of the cultural center of OshTU, which has been functioning for many years, with a developed material and technical base and highly qualified specialists. The Center for Aesthetic Education is one of the main structural divisions of the university and carries out certain work to implement a unified, targeted educational program for the social, moral, general cultural and professional development of the student’s personality.

The main objectives of the center for aesthetic education of students are:

  • identifying the aesthetic needs of students, including them in aesthetic activities;
  • practical lessons in music, choreography, drama;
  • ensuring coordination of interaction with student trade union committees, the youth committee, dean’s offices, departments and individual teachers to develop a comprehensive educational program for the realization of professional and creative opportunities of students;
  • direction of activity of creative groups according to interests and inclinations in order to maximize the development of students’ personalities;
  • advertising the activities of the Center, preparing information and bibliographic material;
  • promoting the creative achievements of students, promoting the development of creative abilities and inclinations of students;
  • implementation of specific activities based on the results of the implementation of the achieved creative results;
  • addressing issues of strengthening the material and technical base of the Center for Aesthetic Education.

The following clubs operate at the Center for Cultural and Aesthetic Education:

  1. Choir
  2. Folklore (komuz players, chopo choor, temir ooz komuz, dobulbas, asa tayak, shyldyrak, tai tuyak, etc.)
  3. Folk vocals (akyndyk, aytysh, manaschy, dastanchy, akyynek, kuudulduk, chechendik, etc.).
  4. Pop vocals (techno, pop, rock and roll, jazz, rap, etc.)
  5. Dances (folk dances, oriental dances, classical dances, modern dances and others.)
  6. СVN (A club of cheerful and resourceful people), etc.

Youth Affairs Committee OshTU

Kadyrbekov Elturan AltynbekovichChairman of the Youth Affairs Committee
Year of birth: 05.03.2002
Phone : +996 (707) 882-626
E-mail: altynbekovelturan@gmail.com
instagram: altynbekov_elturan




For the purposes of legal, moral, patriotic, international, civic and physical education of students, the development of students’ independence, their orientation towards self-government and the development of youth policy. The following works should be carried out regularly at the M.M. Adyshev Osh Technological University:

  • Formation of students’ sense of respect for human values, national traditions, education of their respect for state symbols, traditions, democratic achievements;
  • Improving the level of ethical, aesthetic and environmental education;
  • education in the democratic spirit;
  • Preventing students from infiltrating religious extremist groups;
  • Establishing close ties between supervisors and students at all levels with special control over the implementation of decisions taken at meetings between them;
  • pay special attention to the social life of young people, organize entertainment, cultural, sports events, create youth initiative centers, student clubs and schools, debate centers, helplines, circles on their interests for useful leisure activities;
  • Implementation of youth policy;
  • Intellectual and spiritual development of students.

The Youth Affairs Committee consists of:

  • Ombudsman: Turdumamatova Bermet
  • The advice of the girls of OshTU: Kanatbek kyzy Akdaana
  • Chairman of the YAC FEaM: Kadyrbekov Uran
  • Chairman of the YAC FTaNC: Avasbekov Aktilek
  • FTaNC girls’ advice: Tynybekova Aisuluu
  • Chairman of the YAC FE: Abduraimov Ibragimbek
  • FE girls’ advice: Kubatali kyzy Diana
  • Chairman of the YAC FMTaTS: Kasymaliev Yriskeldi
  • Advice of girls of FMTaTS: Ergeshbayeva Aikokul
  • Chairman of the YAC FAaC: Tynaliev Aybek
  • FAaC girls’ advice: Alantayeva Akbermet
  • Chairman of the YAC FIT: Orunbayev Bayaman
  • Advice of the FIT girls: Fatima Aidarbekova
  • Chairman of the YAC FCaIT: Zhaparov Aktanbek
  • Advice of the girls of the FCaIT: Rashitbekova Gulmira
  • Chairman of the YAC HTC: Alisherov Absamat
  • The Council of the HTC girls: Aidaralieva Albina