The future of Kyrgyzstan lies in the state language
The state language is the language that is used in the country conducting official documents and court cases, in secondary schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.
On September 3, 1989, the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz SSR adopted the Law on the State Language of the Kyrgyz SSR, after which the Kyrgyz language was given the status of the state language.
In 2004, this law was updated by the Legislative Assembly of the Jogorku Kenesh, where the Kyrgyz language was declared the state language and Russian the official language. On April 2, 2004, the law “On the state language of the Kyrgyz Republic” was signed. With the declaration of the Kyrgyz language as the state language, it received public support, and the fact that our native language is under state protection raised its reputation to a higher level.
The peoples of the world have recognized us as a nation and state. Competing with technology in the era of globalization, the Kyrgyz language has also found its place in all spheres of society, even on the Internet, we create opinions in our native language. Our ancestors passed on the culture, native language, and statehood of our people from generation to generation. They brought to us a whole ocean of oral folk art – the epic “Manas”. On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the state language, with the support of the rector of the Osh Technological University, Professor Tursunbaev Zh. Zh. Since October 15, 2022, the state language department has been operational. The department is headed by the Vice-Rector for State Language, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor A. Z. Zulpuev. Leading specialist, candidate of philology sciencies Aitibaeva Zh.K. and graduate student of OshTU Maksutova G.A.
The State Language Department carries out acceptable work based on the adopted annual work plan:
- annual arrangements of the month of the State language;
- getting acquainted with office work in structural divisions, faculties, institutes and colleges;
- conducting trainings for the teaching staff of the university on the basis of the Standard Instructions for Conducting Office Work in the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated March 3, No. 120. , 2020;
- having literary and musical parties for National Literature Day;
Zulpuev Ashim Zulpuevich – vice-rector for state language, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.
Education: higher. Graduated from the Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, author of 1 monograph, 1 methodological manual, 14 published abroad, 13 scientific articles published in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Contact phone: 0772-22-40-93, e-mail:
Aitibaeva Zhypargul Kalevna – leading specialist of the state language department, candidate of philological sciences.
Education: higher. In 1996-2001 she graduated from the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology of Osh State University with a degree in “Teacher of the Kyrgyz language, literature and additional English language”.
In 2014-2016 she graduated from the Osh State University master’s Degree in Philology with honors. Author of 2 manuals, 1 textbook, 6 journalistic and 16 scientific articles published in foreign and domestic publications.
In 2021, she graduated from graduate school at Osh State Pedagogical University.
Contact phone: 0774746679. e-mail:
Maksutova Gulbarchyn Alizhanovna – specialist of the state language department, graduate student of OshTU.
Education: higher. In 1998-2003, she graduated from the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology of Osh State University with a degree in “Teacher of the Kyrgyz language, literature and additional English language.”
Contact phone: 0555812602, e-mail: